
History of Mallakhamb

Click on the links below to find out more about the Origin, History and Development of Mallakhamb, the Rope and meet Uday.

The History Rope Mallakhamb Meet Uday Deshpande

About the event

This is a unique opportunity to learn Mallakhamb, a traditional physical culture on a rope and pole, in a small group with Uday Deshpande, chief coach of Shree Samarth Vyayam Mandir (SSVM) in Mumbai, India. Uday has been teaching for over 54 years and dedicated his life to this artform.

This is the first Mallakhamb workshop in the UK since 1998 and we are honoured to have him for this week. The workshop is two hours with sessions in the morning and afternoon. Everyone is welcome from age 5+.

For further information email here

Workshop details


The workshop is suitable for Beginners with no prior experience as well as those who might have some experience with Yoga or any other form of aerial/ circus art.

Structure of Class

Each 2-hour class will begin with a warming-up session and end with basic stretches and Suryanamaskar. Each person will be able to learn as per their own capacity. Uday Deshpande Sir has over 50 years of experience in teaching students of all age-groups from 5 years to 85 years! The class size will be small so everyone will get sufficient time on the apparatus and personal attention from the trainer.


It is advisable to wear comfortable cotton/ nylon shorts and T-shirt.


The Rope and Pole Mallakhamb is a competitive sport played at the International level. However, the aim of this workshop will be to introduce you to this Indian traditional sport and have you try it for yourself. Demonstration and help will be provided in performing elements on Mallakhamb. There will be safety mats and crash mats in place.

Learning Outcome

The worshops will be practical and each individual will be taught as per their own capacity and taking into consideration one’s age, physical abilities, health and willingness. However, everyone will definitely benefit from attending the workshop.

For further details, get in touch with Aditi who will be assisting Uday Deshpande in this workshop.

Terms & Conditions


Before booking a workshop the indivdual should self-assess whether or not it is suitable for them. If you have any physical condition or are taking medication please consult your doctor before booking. By booking you acknowledge the workshops do not cover any liability or loss personal or otherwise. Should you experience discomfort or pain at any point during the workshop you will abstain from the activity and proceed at at your own risk. By booking you acknowledge you are fit and well enough to participate in the activities in this workshop. Children under16 years need parental consent to participate.